
国际学生有许多校内和校外住房可供选择. You'll need to consider your finances, course load, program requirements, and more as you decide where you'll live as you attend DU.

On-Campus Housing

On-campus housing is offered Housing & Residential Education. 该大学对一年级和二年级的本科生有两年的在校学习要求. 研究生的住房选择各不相同,视情况而定.

Before you move into on-campus housing, 你将被要求签署一份租约,要求你支付一学年的住房费用. Consider your housing options carefully before signing any lease.

  • Residence Halls

    学生宿舍是一个或多个学生住在一个房间里的宿舍, eat together in the cafeteria, and share a bathroom. You may make a special request for an American roommate. 宿舍主要面向年龄在18到21岁之间的学生,他们有兴趣在以活动为中心的环境中体验社区. Because of the fire hazard, cooking is generally not allowed in residence hall rooms, although you may have a small refrigerator or microwave.

    大多数宿舍在夏季和秋季和冬季宿舍之间的六周假期期间(从11月底到1月初)关闭. If you intend to enroll during the summer, 通知住宿办公室,他们会设法把你安置在一个你可以呆一整年的地方. 在宿舍关闭期间,你需要安排自己的住宿.

    Students can also apply to join one of the DU's Living & Learning Communities (llc)将有共同兴趣的学生聚集在宿舍楼的一层,并为参与者提供特别制作的研讨会课程和活动.

Off-Campus Housing

There are many different ways to look for available housing. Listed below are some suggestions for finding vacancies:

University of Denver Off-Campus Housing Service
The Office of Housing and Residential Education maintains an online platform 提供给学生,教师和工作人员帮助寻找住房或室友. 

University-Owned Properties
yzcca88游戏登录网址拥有并经营着许多校园步行距离内的出租单位. More details are available on the Rental Properties webpage.


IMPORTANT: When responding to any housing advertisement or website, 请谨慎行事,在见到发布ca88登录正确网址的人之前,不要透露个人或银行信息. 在支付任何押金或租金(不包括一小笔申请费)之前,你应该先参观一下你的住所 housing scams.

Want to learn more about Housing?

Visit the Housing and Residential Education Site


Once you've found an apartment, house, or room you'd like to rent, 在你被允许入住之前,房东可能会让你完成一些额外的步骤.


  • Signing a Lease


    租赁协议是一份法律合同,要求你在规定的时间内支付房屋租金. The contract should outline the terms of your lease, 包括房东或租赁公司提供的服务. Before signing, review the document carefully. If you have questions, 与业主或物业经理交谈,以便您充分了解其条款. If you and the landlord have agreed to changes in the rental contract, make sure to get them in writing.

    Although it is sometimes possible to "break" your lease, or move out before the date specified in the contract, 这通常很难做到,你可能有法律义务继续支付租金.

    Please visit the Housing Resources 部分,以了解更多yzcca88游戏登录网址您作为科罗拉多州租房者的权利.

  • Security Deposit

    在签订租约时,你可能会被要求支付保证金和/或损坏押金. 押金通常相当于第一个月和最后一个月的租金,用于支付可能出现的房屋损坏或未付账单. In most cases, you will receive the entire deposit back when you move out, provided the apartment is clean and in good condition.

    Before moving in, you should complete a check-in sheet. 这张表是描述每个房间状况的书面文件, including furniture, carpeting and appliances. 一定要记下任何损坏、污渍或需要修理的东西,这样你就不会因为之前的损坏而被收费. 保留一份由你和房东共同签署的入住登记表. 如果可能的话,将您在入住登记表上记录的损坏情况拍下来. When you move out, 这份文件可以帮助你解决在你搬进公寓的实际情况下与房东的纠纷.

    When you move out, 根据科罗拉多州的法律,房东必须在你离开房屋后的三十天内归还押金. 一定要留下一个转寄地址,这样房东才能把押金寄给你. If part of the deposit was not refunded, the landlord must give you a written notice explaining why e.g. unpaid utility bill, damages caused by the tenant, or cleaning costs. The landlord may not keep the deposit to cover normal wear and tear.

  • Renter's Insurance

    租客保险为因火灾造成损失的租客提供赔偿, theft, or vandalism, regardless of who is at fault. 保险单通常为你家里的所有物品提供保险, including clothing, electronics, and personal property, as well as any damage to the building itself. The cost of renter's insurance varies, but it is generally considered a good investment, especially if you own anything valuable in your home.

    MoneyGeek's Guide to Renter's Insurance

  • Utilities

    Before you move into the apartment, 与房东或租赁公司确认你的月租金中包括哪些水电费. Common utility providers include:

    • Water – Denver Water
    • Electricity and Gas– Xcel Energy
    • Television and Internet access – CenturyLink, Comcast, DirectTV or Dish Network
    • Local Telephone Service - AT&T, CenturyLink
    • Garbage and/or Sewage - Provided by the city of Denver

    Unless the utility is paid for in your rent, 您需要直接联系服务提供商激活水, power, telephone, or Internet. Generally, service providers offer bundle packages, 在那里你可以获得多种服务的折扣价格,比如有线电视, high-speed internet, local phone service and/or cellphone service.

    Some utilities require a deposit before activation. If you are sharing an apartment with a roommate, 你们可以选择用不同的名字开公用事业账户,这样你们就各自负责付款. 确保你和每个室友都讨论过这些责任. 在租约或公用事业账户上署名的人最终负责支付任何账单.

  • Laundry

    Some apartments include a washer and dryer in the unit, 而另一些则可以使用所有租户都可以使用的公共洗衣设施. 如果你的公寓都没有,你需要在其他地方找到一个洗衣设施(“自助洗衣店”). 普通的洗衣房和自助洗衣房通常都有需要按硬币支付的机器. When using a public laundry facility, 注意你的衣服和个人物品,以确保他们没有损坏或被盗.


Housing Resources
